We are currently looking to fill Front of House Staff positions, including a Front of House Manager. We are also looking for an Education Director. Details for all of these positions can be found on …
The Improv Effect
The Dave McCabe Edition Edited by Natalie De Paz Beloved SCITIzen, half of the improv duo Bas(e) Theory, soloproviser extraordinaire, super tech, and spot-on Patrick Warburton impressionist …
Good at improv, better at life.
Reflections from an Improv Newbie, Week 5 During last week’s class, everyone did a great job and had a lot of fun. Throughout this week’s class, Justin helped us to reel in that fun by providing …
Improv is just a shorter and sometimes crazier version of everyday life.
Reflections from an Improv Newbie, Week 4 I felt a lot more comfortable in class this week than I have in previous weeks. However, before coming to class, I had a strange feeling of dread. Often when …
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