At the Steel City Improv Theater, we believe that once you get good at improv, you will get better at life. We know improv classes do more than help you be funny. They can make you a better parent, mentor, entrepreneur, employee and friend. It teaches you to deal with the unexpected, become a better listener and truly be in the moment.
You can try out our improv class for free here:
Please note for classes:
- Our classes will be in person and following government guidelines and our policies. By signing up for our classes you agree to these terms: UPDATED ENROLLMENT POLICY FOR 2022.
- Our class minimum is 10 registered participants (adults 18 and up).
- We do not offer refunds for classes unless we cancel the class.
SESSION THREE (MAY to July 2023)
These classes will be in person and following COVID PROTOCOLS: SEE OUR UPDATED 2023 POLICY
Session 4
Session 5