Steel City Improv Theater will begin the process of opening up with in person classes beginning June 7th! All our shows will remain virtual on our TWITCH channel until we announce in person shows.
We will be following the guidelines from the CDC and the government. Below is our commitment to make the classes a safe experience for all. For all these new updated COVID Policy in effect through 2021 and our SCIT Code of Conduct/Course Enrollment Policy click here:
Here are our COVID policies for in-person classes in 2021 at Steel City Improv Theater. The following policies will be in place through the remainder of 2021 and will be updated often. By signing up for any of our classes you are agreeing to follow all the protocols listed below. Failure to do so, may result in your removal for the class without a refund.
All instructors and staff will:
- properly wear masks for the entirety of the class and commit to promoting the proper wearing of masks from all those present in the space.
- provide masks if you do not have one or if yours cannot be properly worn.
- have hand sanitizer located throughout the theater and be fully stocked with soap and paper towels in our restrooms.
- clean/disinfect the space before/after each class.
- take the temperatures of each student before each class. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 will be sent home.
- limit the number of occupants in our space to current 15% of our capacity.
- will place taped marks on our floors for students to stand/sit to ensure social distancing.
- keep our stage doors and windows open (weather permitting) and change our filters often with MERV 13 or higher to keep the air as clean as possible.
- take on the responsibility of enforcing these rules with each student.
- be transparent and flexible should any issues or concerns arise.
- provide a fun, engaging, challenging, and effective class despite the circumstances.
All students will:
- adhere to all of our safety precautions.
- properly wear an appropriate mask continuously covering the nose and mouth.
- follow our social distancing guidelines.
- wash your hands/sanitizing regularly.
- have your temperature checked at each class.
- not come to class if you are experiencing any symptoms. Please contact us immediately and we will be happy to discuss options
- be honest and transparent. If you are exposed to anyone with COVID-19, let us know immediately and will figure our your class/tuition situation.
- agree that the Steel City Improv LLC, Steel City Improv Festival, or any of its instructors are NOT liable for any COVID-19 related health issues that may arise.
- be kind, patient, and precautious. We all want to experience the joys of improv while also exhibiting the cornerstone of improv; supporting each other.
- bring your own snacks, drinks to class and consume them while distanced from others
- understand that if government regulations change the class may be moved to a virtual class.