Here are the steps to becoming an improv teacher at Steel City Improv Theater:
Fulfill the requirements of the Teaching Assistant Program and apply.
Be accepted and scheduled as a teaching assistant for a level one class.
TA a level one class. Mostly observing, taking notes and occasionally running warm ups and giving notes when prompted by the lead instructor. Teaching assistant is a volunteer position.
If deemed ready by the education director, the teacher, and yourself, you may co-teach a Level One Class or an upper level if determined appropriate. Leading most of the class when prompted by the lead instructor. When leading give notes/feedback first, then defer to the lead instructor. If not, a second TA session may be needed. Co-teaching and Teaching are paid positions with differing rates.
- If deemed ready by the education director, the teacher, and yourself, you may teach a Level One on your own with the possibility of TA help. If not, a second Co-Teacher session may be needed.
At any time, if deemed ready by the education director, the teacher, and yourself, you may co-teach an upper level before teaching it on your own.
- NOTE: During all stages of this process, ability to arrive on time (no less than 15 min before the class begins) and TA, Co-Teach or Teach atleast 80% of the classes (100% being the goal). Commitment is one of the biggest keys to success with this program.